Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

S. Brisard has co-organized the "Stochastics and Material Mechanics" mini-symposium at the 2014 "European Mechanics of Materials Conference", organized at Gothenburg (Sweden), 27-29 August 2014.

E. Cancès

  • is a member of the editorial boards of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (2006-), of SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing (2008-), of Communications in Mathematical Sciences (2011-),

  • is a member of the executive committee of the CEA-EDF-Inria schools in applied mathematics and computer science.

He was an Ordway visiting professor at the University of Minnesota for the academic year 2013-2014.

He has organized or co-organized:

  • the 2nd workshop on “ Mathematical and numerical analysis of electronic structure models”, Berlin, April 2014,

  • the workshop “ Horizon math 2014 ”, Rueil Malmaison, December 2014.

C. Le Bris is editor-in-chief of Applied Mathematics Research Express (2003-). He is a managing editor of Networks and Heterogeneous Media. He is a member of the editorial boards of Annales mathématiques du Québec (2013-), Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2004-), COCV (Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations) (2003-), Mathematics in Action (2008-), Nonlinearity (2005-), Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (2009-).

He is a member of the editorial boards of the monograph series Mathématiques & Applications, Series, Springer (2008-), and Modeling, Simulations and Applications, Series, Springer (2009-).

C. Le Bris is a member of

  • the Cabinet of the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy,

  • the scientific board of ENPC, 2008- (nominated as representative of the research scholars),

  • the “Comité d'experts” for the “Fondation de Recherche pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace”,

  • the “Comité d'animation du domaine thématique Mathématiques appliquées, calcul et simulation” at Inria,

  • the “International Scientific Advisory Committee” of the Centre de Recherche Mathématique, Université de Montréal,

  • the “Advisory Board” of the DFG Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials, Erlangen,

  • the “International Scientific Advisory Board” of the DFG research center Matheon, Berlin,

  • the “Conseil scientifique de la SMAI” (Scientific Council of the French Applied Maths Society)s,

  • the International Mathematical Union Circle,

  • the “Conseil de perfectionnement du Master de Mathématiques” of the University Pierre et Marie Curie.

C. Le Bris has held a position of Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago, February-October-November 2014.

He has been a member of the Program Committee of ICM 2014 in Seoul and is a member of

  • the scientific committee of the conference Dimension reduction: mathematical methods and Applications, Pennsylvania State University, March 21-24, 2015.

He has co-organized

  • with P. Souganidis and S. Weinberger, the conference Prospects in Applied Mathematics, Chicago, 19-20 October 2014.

He has been the Göran Gustafsson Lecturer in Mathematics 2014, KTH, Stockholm.

F. Legoll

  • is a member of the editorial board of SIAM MMS (2012-) and of ESAIM Proc (2012-),

  • is a member of the Scientific Committee of SciCADE 2015.

T. Lelièvre

  • is editor-in-chief of ESAIM: Proceedings (with D. Chafai, P. Lafitte and C. Mouhot),

  • co-organized the Workshop "Numerical methods for high-dimensional problems" at the Ecole des Ponts, April 14-18th 2014 (with Virginie Ehrlacher, Yvon Maday and Anthony Nouy),

  • co-organized the Journées Inverse problems for multiscale and stochastic problems, Ecole des Ponts, October 2-3rd 2014 (with Virginie Ehrlacher, Frédéric Legoll and Karam Sab),

  • co-organized the MoMaS'14 conference. CIRM, November 17-20th, 2014 (with Grégoire Allaire, Clément Cancès, Alexandre Ern and Raphaèle Herbin),

  • co-organizes the Journées EDP-Probas at Institut Henri Poincaré (with F. Malrieu),

  • is the head of the GDR MoMaS, a French research group on the mathematical modeling and the numerical simulations for nuclear waste management problems (Main scientific themes: multiscale models for flows in porous media, molecular simulation of clays, multiphase flows),

  • is in charge of the Theme 4 (Stochastic modeling, quantification and uncertainty propagation for multiscale mechanical models of materials) of the Labex MMCD,

  • is involved in the organization of the IHP trimester "Numerical Methods for PDEs", Autumn 2016 (with D. A. Di Pietro, A. Ern and L. Formaggia).

G. Stoltz has

  • co-organized the workshop "Computational methods for statistical mechanics - at the interface between mathematical statistics and molecular simulation" at ICMS (Edinburgh, UK), June 2-6, 2014 (with G. Pavliotis, Imperial College London, and Ch. Hartmann, FU Berlin)

  • has given a public lecture on "Computer Simulations: The third way of doing science", at ICMS (Edinburgh, UK, June 2014)